GHC Clean Birth Kit (CBK) Program
The Clean Birth Kit (CBK) Program allows Global Health Charities to provide training and supplies to childbirth staff in order to improve the safety of both mother and child during the birthing process. Volunteers are able to host or attend a CBK Event, during which, individuals package each CBK to ready them for shipment to remote places in need.
Why Support Global Health Charities?
One Kit Can Save TWO Lives: Mother & Baby
Consider these statistics:
4 million infants die each year
Over 287,000 mothers die each year giving birth
Nine out of 10 of these deaths are preventable
99% of these deaths occur in developing countries
A women’s lifetime risk of maternal death is 1 in 3,700 in a developed country, versus 1 in 160 in underdeveloped countries.
There are many factors involved, but one of the main causes of high neonatal and maternal mortality is infection. GHC Clean Birth Kits contain clean birthing supplies for women and babies giving birth in under-resourced countries, many of whom deliver at home due to distance, poverty, and/or cultural norms.
GHC’s Clean Birth Kits ensure that both mother and baby have a clean birth, whether birthing alone at home, at home with a traditional birth attendant (TBA), or in a clinic with a midwife or TBA.
Each Kit Includes:
One 2 oz. bar of wrapped soap
Two pairs of disposable gloves
Four squares of gauze
Antiseptic wipes
One single-edged razor blade with cardboard safety cover
One cord clamp
One plastic sheet (3’ x 3’)
One infant hat
One 30” x 30” receiving blanket
One birth pictorial
Your donation can save lives! $10 includes a Clean Birth Kit, plus transport expenses from U.S. to remote global community, and then directly into the hands of the mother or birth attendant/midwife.
$10 provides one kit
$30 provides three kits
$60 provides six kits
$120 provides 12 kits
$240 provides 24 kits
Donate to Save Lives!
Clean Birth Kits have been delivered to the following countries:
Our Impact:
26 countries
25,880+ kits
lives impacted
hours donated